Snow, Snow and More Snow!
A storm was forecasted for today and so when I first woke up, I laughed thinking that they got it wrong....then the flakes started. Little flakes, big what my grandfather always said. Yep....we easily have 10 to 15 cm already and it is still drifting down. Luckily, I decided to heed on the side of caution and got my food shopping done and blipping done before the roads got bad.
This little Downy will now come to my hand and I have figured out where his 'territory' is. He will come and check out what I have to offer but is not fussy about the shelled peanuts...I guess too much work? Here the snow was flying as he was trying to uncover seed that I had placed on a log that had covered in snow. Very cute to watch : )
I think I have as many snow pictures as I want/need for this year....Spring anyone?
I am overwhelmed by the response to my series of blips yesterday! Thank you to each and every one of you...I am slowly getting around to replying to all your thoughtful comments! Take care and have a great start to the week : ))
D x
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