Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Monthly ramble

We walked from Ambleside to Grasmere via Loughrigg Terrace. The route didn't include a great deal of climbing, but we covered a distance of about 7.5 miles altogether, so it added more than enough steps to my Fitbit tracker. 

I got a new tracker yesterday ( Fitbit 2 Charge) and it is now uses the amount of exercise plus the heart rate to work out a fitness score. This evening it told me that my fitness level was excellent for a women of my age. I just wish it hadn't added the 'for a women of my age'! 

The weather stayed mainly dry but we didn't see much sunshine. It was cold and the wind was bitter. 

This is a quick snap taken on the way round. I didn't take my dslr today. 

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