A bit of a blipmeet
Those of you who follow Ingeborg will know she's visiting Houston this week with her husband. TrudievA and I met up with her when she came over last year and managed to plan a repeat blipmeet this year.
We're having ridiculously warm weather here just now so TrudievA and her boyfriend kindly took us all out for the afternoon. We started at WG Jones State Forest for a short walk (where a few small red-eared sliders were happily floating around a pond in the sun), followed by a drink and lovely, leisurely chat in a garden at a small brewery (where TrudievA took a picture of us all). There's another picture of Trudie, Inge and me in extras.
Inge very kindly brought us treats from "home" so I'm now looking forward to having some delicious tablet and shortbread with my afternoon coffees for a while. Thank you, Inge!!! :)
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