On the other side of the river

After posting my blip yesterday we left the apartment and the wonderful Igi and headed over to a room booked through Airbnb and then down to the river and Time Out market for some very good food, loved it. The place was busy and in the centre an area cleared for couples to show off their dancing skills, the music playing was blues, jazz, rock all good stuff. We spent a few hours eating and watching along with a glass of wine or two.

We are not far from the market and back that way this morning to take the ferry across the Tagus, however before that a quick coffee and custard tart and time to look at the young bakers making these Nata's. The girl said they had recently opened in the market and made about 2000 a day but had reached 4000 during a busy time. It was fascinating to see them at work. Next across the ferry and a bus upto to statue that can be seen for miles - Cristo Rei. It is enormous with a lift to take us to the top of the plynth, even then the statue was above us. A fabulous view across to Lisbon, of the bridge and incoming weather.

Our last full day and a good one, this evening we will meet with R and D who are pusscats mum and dad. I have booked a table in an Indian restaurant on a Portuguese website. Eeeeek.

The extra:
Looking up the lift shaft,
The Statues
View from the top

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