" Can't live without "

Weather has been cold today but at least it wasn't raining.  Walked down to the village early this afternoon and headed for the Community Centre.  I had read on Facebook about a new venture starting up there today - A 50+ Move 2 Improve Exercise Class - so I thought I would give it a go. Six other ladies turned up too.  It was a 45 min session with various activities in a circuit around the room.  Nothing too strenuous. Cost was £3.50.  Well worth it as I enjoyed myself. I will be going again next week.

Did some shopping in Tesco before coming home.  Watched a bit of TV before setting off for Slimming Club this evening.  Weight stayed the same this week - I am still in my Target Range. 

More TV viewing this evening after a tea of salmon with salad.

The Mono Monday challenge today is " Can't Live Without ".    As soon as I wake up in the morning  the first two things I reach for are my glasses  and my phone.  So I guess these fit the bill.  Of course I can't live without my family but none of them were here with me today.  Living alone is the main reason I can't live without my phone as its a lifeline to friends and family.  And of course I can check blipfoto throughout the day wherever I am. Thanks KangaZu to for coming up with today's theme.

Steps today - 14,224

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