Cat Sitting

My sister arrived early this morning so that she can be inducted into the pet looking after before I leave friday. Milkshake happily greeted her and in no time was on her lap! I think she has the wrong idea of what the term "Cat Sitting" is all about! Milkshake is obviously settling in fine as in the afternoon she decided to explore upstairs - into my sister's bedroom and then up to the attic where FatCat was sleeping. She was hidden by the duvet and whilst Milkshake sat at the top of the stairs and craned her neck she couldn't see her, and FatCat seemed oblivious of her presence - but I'm thinking it's just a matter of time before Milkshake makes herself known to her! 
Sister and I compared our knitting - discovered I should have been working in the threads left at the end of each square - so thats what I spent the evening doing after putting the allotment girls to bed! The person who had  cleared their plot had today put in planks for beds - and dug many of them! I have never seen a plot done so fast! I also bumped into The Gallery Owner and she asked if I would do the photographs for a book she may be chosen to do. I would get paid too! Bit daunting - doing photography for your own pleasure is one thing - doing it for someone and all the responsibility and stress  that entails is quite another. I said I would be delighted to do it but that I would not be offended if she didn't feel the photos were up to scratch or what she wanted. I know she would as this is her livelihood. But what fun to try doing! 
My blip is a blossom that fell off the flowers I get delivered every 2 weeks - too pretty to just put in the compost so I put it to float  in this ashtray instead - well as I no longer smoke why not! The extra is Milkshake watching Gunther ( left hand corner of the vivarium!) who is watching the locusts! Plus my sister and I watching all 3 out of shot! 

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