I hate...

inconsiderate people. The family who have been renting No. 41 went home today, so I went up there to do the clean, the place was that bad I came down, got my camera and I asked Roy to come back up with me to verify how dirty the house was. They had not swept up at all in the two weeks they has been there and they had been to the beach nearly every day, so you can imagine the amount of sand on the floors, the furniture and in the beds, they had not cleaned the cooker after they had used it, the tiles are thick with grease and they had been using floor cleaner instead of bleach to put down the loo to 'clean' it, it hadn't worked, and there are 11 loads of washing to be done. I think their attitude was, we are on holiday and we are paying 60 euros for the house to be cleaned after we have gone home, so why should we bother to sweep up etc.

I phoned the owner and explained how bad the house was, and she is not going to return their deposit, after explaining why, this is the first time in 6 years of looking after the house that I've had to put a complaint in about the rentors. I reckon it will take me about 7 hours of hard work to get the house back to its usual clean and tidy state.

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