Monday Back On Track

The second week of this block has begun.  Went to work, worked, went backk home.  The weekend must have been a good one because I felt okay at work.  Of course, this doesn't mean I didn't have much to do.

One thing I and the colleagues who also work in my office did today was sit down for about half an hour and just have a nice chat.  Just right there, in the middle of the day, with the students knocking to come in and then going out again after having been attended to.  It was someone's birthday and she'd ordered muffins from the canteen, so we had that with some coffee and tea.  A lovely moment and we vowed we would do it again, birthday or not.

This evening, while hubby was at his bridge evening, I also went out for tea and dessert, so that was the second treat today.  Shot this on the way back home.  We'd had NCIS earlier, then cleared the kitchen, then did some MOOC, and the day was over as quickly as it had started.

Tomorrow, someone will come who will repair a couple of odds and ends here at home so that the whole place will look just a tad more attractive.  This means hubby will need to get up at the crack of dawn, too.

You can imagine how I am not really inclined to chat here just yet.  Doing my best to update as it is sometimes problematic enough to catch up.

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