Guts n grit

So I'm now convinced that my sister did see a big black panther on a nearby field after my gruesome discovery in the forest today. Needless to say we've got the camera trap set up to see what comes to feed on the poor departed deer tonight but while Dave is sticking with the fox as a culprit, I'm going with my wild imagination after I googled (I know, I know, step away from google) the specific injuries.... which are consistent with big cats. No doubt when we see the camera trap footage it will turn out to be a really hungry buff hamster. Anyway, if that wasn't enough to put me off Valentine's Day, loitering with my mum outside freezing cold Newmachar tonight for a couple of hours waiting with her for the AA after her tyre blew out taking Sam home definitely did. Not all was lost however, I did manage to grab a rare surprise selfie of the notoriously camera shy grandma, a feat almost as rare as getting a blurry picture of a buff hamster feeding on a deer carcass. And Dave bought me a chocolate orange. Actually two. And a toblerone. And a large galaxy bar.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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