
Knowing I was going to be out for three hours this afternoon, I took Ollie and Scratch for a good long walk this morning to exhaust them!  Great to see that the mud is gradually drying up and the tracks and paths aren't as clarty as they have been, although Ollie did still come home looking like he was wearing black knee socks!

This was taken coming down the hill opposite New Bigging. The farm is at the bottom of the hill, you can just make out the top of the roof tiles.  You can see our camper van, outside the garage, and car, but not the house as it's snuggly tucked in between two much bigger ones.  

Had to go to a shop meeting before I went riding this afternoon.  Thankfully it didn't last long and then I was able to go and enjoy myself with H and the ponies.  Does Threading the Needle, Scissors or Round the World mean anything to other riders?  Not as easy to do now as it was 45 years ago, but much easier without a saddle!

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