Night Cage

Arp - High Life (The Soft Wave)

Again, when it comes to the crunch, I'm at a loss for words and empty. The thoughts that rush through my brain at certain hours of the day seem to create floods of creative energy, lifting me to an uncertain plateau of overzealous imagination. I feel I can rule the world. Then it just disappears; flash, flash, sputter, pop. Back to reality, the empty vessel of hopeless despair. The anchoring weight of philosophical "equalisation" is such an overbearing load to carry, if for anything but its formless, evasive shape.

I think the older one becomes, the more complex the network of logical pathways evolves in the brain that everything eventually results a mess.

I'm fascinated by how human interaction works, especially (I believe anyway) since human emotion and exterior stimuli seem to have influence on it. The idea of independence, arguably, is utterly dependent on everything else. I'd love to argue the notion of pure independence being a product of extensive navel gazing and that it doesn't exist at all.

On a molecular level, there is perhaps the pure "thing" that is truly independent, and if there's someone out there in the science field (or any "expert" field for that matter) who is willing to put their two cents in, I can finally put this particularly useless, yet nonethless, perplexing whim of thought to rest.

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