Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg


Mummy paced up and down the hall. She was dressed, the bag was packed, and she'd looked me out an outfit. But I was still sleeping. She didn't even have a toddler to tend to. Well this is new, she thought.

By 9.30am she decided to lift me out of bed and get me ready. Pretty sure you're not supposed to wake a sleeping baby, mummy. But we were already running late for our play date at Funworld and we still had to pick Eli up from granny and papa's. If we missed it it would be a long day with no adult chat until daddy got home. Thankfully we arrived at Funworld before everyone left.

We spent the afternoon at home. While mummy was making dinner Eli tipped out her make up bag and smeared lipstick all over his mouth and some up his arms. Mummy counted to ten. At least he put the lid back on it, mummy!

Eli tried to whack me with me a plastic golf club this afternoon. Mummy deflected it just in time. Of all the things she expected motherhood to teach her, becoming a ninja was not one of them. Hi-ya!

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