Great excitement

A trip into London to meet up with A, Max & Annie. I haven't seen them for 6 months and was amazed at how much Max has grown.

We went to the Science Museum, to see the great attraction Tim Peake's spacecraft. We were surprised at the size of it, much smaller than expected.

After a couple of hours looking round and a 3D trip on Apollo to the moon we had some different excitement. We had just taken the lift up to the second floor to see the 'Journeys through medicine' when an alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building!!

It was all very organised and calm. No mean feat with all the children, toddlers in buggies and parents coping with getting them down the stairs. I've heard a report that it was a burned out lift motor and that 4,000 people were evacuated!!

Max has a dreadful cough and wasn't very well today, so we decided to head for home after all the excitement. They are home now and fast asleep, I'm back in Lincolnshire tired out after my busy day.

I gave A the parcel with presents for the children, to be opened when they got home. They are delighted, books for Max and the bag for Annie.

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