Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

The First Laugh

Today I laughed for the first time. As Eli was jumping on the bed and pulling some of his best moves to the Frozen soundtrack, mummy picked me up and sang to me her favourite line from 'For the First Time in Forever' and I let out a big giggle. Mummy was so choked with emotion that she couldn't continue singing. Probably for the best.

In the afternoon we went to bookbug. I was awake this week for once so thankfully granny Anne was on hand to help as mummy had her hands full with a full of nonsense Eli. We sat for a cuppa and a chat afterwards before Eli declared he wanted to go to Funworld again. Why not. When mummy refused to give Eli money for a plastic toy out of the machine, he harassed strangers to get him one and eventually a man gave him a pound. Mummy was mortified as she tried to apologise while pushing my pram and hustling Eli away at the same time.

As mummy scrolled through her Facebook newsfeed tonight she came across a picture of her and daddy on their wedding day. It had been posted by her bridal hairdresser to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day. Mummy and daddy looked the epitome of romance. But the sad reality was that mummy was at home covered in baby sick and stains from every single thing Eli had eaten that day, and daddy was at rugby training thinking about things he needed to get from Tesco on the way home. A Valentine's card was not one of them.

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