Chancing It

On my FB page, I wrote 'Happy Commercially Romantic Day!'

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Shot this blind on the Moerdijk Bridge as I had to keep my eye on the truck in front of me, but it was do or die, and had it not worked out, I would have chosen one of this morning's sunrise shots, which weren't all that bad, actually.

Let it be on record that I decided today to give up mentoring first-year and second-year students next schoolyear.  I'll stick with the third-years because they'll still be using the old curriculum, but the coaching duties for the junior years have become confusing as there's now an overlap with the learning-process coaches and the homeroom teachers, or mentors, have become nothing more than glorified mother figures.  It sounds like I'm not the only one who has decided same.  If they run short of mentors, well, they'll just have to fix it themselves.

Anyway, I'm happy for work that I get done.  At home, same thing.  The difference is that while I can close the door behind me when I leave the office, I can't do the same at home.  There is no end to the work at the moment.  It's not the physical feeling of being tired that's a little heavy these days, it's the mental version.  Meanwhile, the guy adding some nice touches to the house has started and appears to get quite a lot done very quickly, something we're happy about, but I can feel the weight of his professional fee on my shoulders.  It also means we have to pack some things a lot more quickly than I have the energy for.

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