
By AlrightFlower


I came home tonight to find, along with a huge pile of post that Royal Mail has been collecting for me, these beautiful little cards on my doormat :-) (sorry it's not a great photo, the light is fading fast here and the flash washes out the colour).

I'm lucky I have such thoughtful friends who appreciate that too much of the post these days comprises bills and junk mail, and that a cheery little "hello", especially when you've been away, is just the ticket.

One card is from one of my loveliest, most thoughtful friends who, no matter her own difficulties, always has a ready (beautiful) smile and a willing ear. Another is from the most glamorous lady I know - even in jeans and a t-shirt she's the business - who has been my saviour on many occasions and like whom I would wish to grow up to be. The other is from my longest-standing friend (of 30+ years), a fellow card maker who complains that her cards are too simplistic. As we've discussed, there's a difference between simple and simplistic... She too has had difficult times, but has been there for me through good and very bad.

I'm not married, I don't have kids or a big family, but I have the most fantastic network of friends near and far, and this is my little tribute to you all. You are, without exception, excellent, warm, funny, caring, amazing folk who it it is my privilege to know.

So there!

Ona arratsaldean (I'm going for Basque - the language, not the outfit! - this evening) x

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