Feeling Spring like

We are still on the good sleep trail.......although I was awake a couple of hours before hub.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing when I went downstairs to make tea, the bird feeders were awash.

Once up we decided on a walk.........today's blip is a view across the flash from the canal side.
It did start to cloud over as forecast, but it felt really pleasant.

We walked into town afterwards for a coffee, it's such a pity there is nowhere to get a coffee around the flashes......anyhow I digress. We decided as it was getting on, to have lunch, a tuna panini with side salad and coleslaw, all very nice too.

Hub washed the car this afternoon, whilst I cut back our other ornamental grass, black sambucca and one or two other things, now the bin has been emptied. There are definitely signs of spring, daffs are up, but not out yet.

Light dinner this evening, probably crispy peppered mackerel salad,

Its quizzing this evening. We will be teaming up with two other friends as our neighbours are unavailable. We were oh so close to third last week, one more correct answer would have seen us in the money!!

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