Roly's Life

By Roly


What a delightful day we have had. It began with a stunning 'fog in the valley/sunshine on us' display. MrRoly did the Mylor run allowing me a leisurely start.

A quick hoover round and we were ready for the arrival of Smallest's bestie. They spent the day playing so beautifully he is now staying for a sleepover!

MrRoly and I cracked on with the garden - I weeded both beds in the picture and planted up yesterday's purchases. MrRoly finally dug up the last of the holly root and made a good start on the bench base. It has been so warm it is hard to believe how cold it was at the start of the week!

I collected the older 2 from Mylor - both chuffed to have passed their RYA Day Skipper course with flying colours. Clever little beasties they are.

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