How Did We Come To This?

OK ... I admit this is a bit of a stretch, but as I was wandering the halls of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts today, I was struck first by this stunning portrait of John F. Kennedy, painted by Jamie Wyeth when he was only 20 years of age.  It made me think about that time so long ago now, when America was still filled with hope for the future ... the space race was on, the Civil Rights movement was underway, and we had a dynamic young president with so much to offer before he was tragically cut down in the prime of his life.  A little while later, I was in the Renaissance Art section, and this detail from Neri di Bicci's Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels made me think this might be what Donald Trump looked like as a baby ... what a contrast between the two presidents! 

(NO disrespect intended towards the true subject of this painting is implied or intended!)

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