Happy face.

This was the morning dog walk....

The dog walk later had a slightly different expression.

They boys had taken their bikes and we met up with some friends who had theirs to.
So they all headed off in front as my friend and I walked with the dogs.
Unfortunately Jamie was in the wrong gear and couldn't keep up with the other lads and he ended up being left behind.
By the time he came back to us he was sobbing his little heart out cos he didn't know where everybody was.

Horrible to see your kid so upset.

Apparently one of the other kids had noticed that Jamie wasn't behind them anymore but didn't think to say to them all to backtrack to check he was OK.

Ruaraidh ???..... well he didn't even notice his little brother wasn't there. :-(

Words with big brother as to one of the jobs of a big brother is to always look out for said wee brother!

And words with wee brother to remember to change your gears and then you should be able to keep up with the rest of them!

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