Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

Matching Socks

One of the many down sides about spending your life in soft play is the palaver of having to find matching socks. As daddy was trying to contain two separate kiddy meltdowns, mummy was raiding her drawers through a sea of odd ones. What is so difficult about this, mummy? Daddy had the same thought.

Once mummy was finally suitably attired and ready to go, we headed to Funworld to meet granny, granda, uncle Lewis and aunty Kimberly. Eli was extremely excitable about this. Even so, we don't know who had the most fun in there today. Although I can tell you it wasn't mummy or daddy! In the afternoon we went to our new Boogie Bugs class then home to bake Gruffalo crumble cakes with granny.

Mummy's hair is starting to fall out now that she no longer has those wonderful pregnancy hormones floating about. She's like a big moulting dog. Just get a hair cut like mine, mummy. I'm totally rocking the short back and sides whilst channelling the monk friar tuck look!

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