
By cowgirl

On a walk

After a day at a dog grooming salon in Calne getting some work experience, I met up with Fossey and Jo for walk. Took a few shots but nothing particularly exciting so you're getting a shot of part of our walk that has changed so much since we were last there. The sweetcorn was about 2 inches high then, so apparantly it likes wet weather. Maybe we should all just grow sweetcorn if our summers continue to disappoint.

In the field on the other side of the gate is a small herd of cows and calves and they have now been joined by a bull - shouldn't have pointed him out to Jo as she's nervous enough as it is.

Everytime we walk through the cow's field she quotes a headline from a local paper from earlier in the year, " Man, 47, attacked by cow ". Quite why they needed to put his age in the title I don't know!

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