Good Friends, There for Each Other...
What a time in your life, when the friends you have known for so long are all heading in different directions.
B, at the left of the picture has known Tooli since Primary, I remember her being her for Tooli's 10th - everyone wearing matching T-shirts. She is heading up north east, the farthest away from the friends, and is studying something like biological warfare!
L, second from the left, has also been a friend since Primary and at Brownies and Guides. L broke her arm at her 5 or 6th Birthday party, I still remember that. L came camping with us, and Tooli went on holiday with them. :-) L is heading to the East Coast to study Physical Torture.
K and L, to either side of the first L - Yes, different girls, who have a similarity, but enough of a difference for me to know them apart, but NEVER EVER call them by their right name, for the past six years of calling you each other's names I apologise profusely, I do know you are different people. K - You are the one who likes to have the bloody TV up at 80. L you are the one who forgets what her name is. (that was a joke, I know that was K). K and L are also heading East, but to different places. I'm not sure what they are studying, but it will involve alcohol and loud parties.
A, Lovely A is heading North. A is the one with the lovely but late Christmas and Birthday Presents which are always delivered with appropriate noise / celebration. Think... Christmas in March. Naked Prince Harry at 11pm at night. A is going to become a carpenter like Gepetto and make rude Prince Harry statues with moveable parts.
R is also going North. I believe she is going to be studying hard in order to get K and L out of the trouble they will getting into!
And H. Gawjus daughter of Clauds - Clauds and I (aka ELLE), are so beautiful we can pass judgement on every other female in the world, without fear of retribution. Thankfully our daughters came out beautifully enough to carry on our greatness and beautiful, and wit and wisdom. H is heading North too, and she is going study something pretty, and go to lots of parties.
So Girlies - You've all been pals for so long, I'm sure there will be plently more nights like this and days like this, it's just that they will be dotted all over the country, and will probably involve lots of hangovers and soreheads!
Enjoy yourselfs, and I'll see you all back here at Chrissy for a welcome back for the holidays night!
If you click the link that's a photo of them all at Hockey in maybe 2nd or 3rd year - all but B are in that one. And Apologies, tonights blip came to you courtesy of Toolibelle Aurora!
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