No Pressure
It was my final day at Burnley Library today and I challenged the groups to make sculpture from random words and objects.
In the afternoon we also did some pebble stacking and then went outside to make pebble sculptures in the lovely plaza outside the library.
One mother and daughter had made their stack and come to find me to get the camera, but by the time they returned a group of young people had gathered and dismantled their sculpture.
Far from becoming a problem, it became a really lovely moment of connection between two groups. Iain, the other artist in residence, has been working with the young people who gather outside the library on a project about alternative cultures and hate crime whilst I have been working with families who use the library and the two groups have never met before.
The guy was mortified that he had broken someone's sculpture and spent ages, with an audience, trying to build the stack again. He couldn't work out how to do it and his friends stood round discussing strategies whilst the original artists looked on in amusement.
In the end he surrendered, and as his friends said 'got shown up by a little girl.'
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