
What a lovely day today has been, both weather-wise and otherwise. Following a slow start to the day, we walked the dogs and then headed off to Chichester Marina for another walk from the ifootpath app (which I have on my phone and is really good for these things) around Nutbourne marshes and the Cobnor peninsula. It was only a four-miler but took in some beautiful countryside and, of course, the shoreline. It was sunny and warm (around 13 degrees) and the water was so calm it looked like a mirror. At the end of the route we stopped for a tea at the marina cafe and then wandered back past all the houseboats to the car before driving home via the St Wilfred's hospice shop where by stocked up on books.

This evening both sons are out partying so we and the dogs will be watching four back-to-back episodes of Fortitude, taking us to the end of season 1. This will free us up to start on Taboo tomorrow!

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