
By DancingAly


It's certainly feeling like it today. It was cloudy at first but then bright and even warm. Warm enough to wear just a t-shirt all day and leave some windows open.

I had a chilled day today. I did my chores in the morning but that was pretty much it. I was supposed to go see a house with my sister but she wanted to change the appointment so I cancelled it. I think it was mostly because the house has been listed for weeks and I've been ambivalent about it at best. I think maybe we'll reschedule for nest weekend, at least then I can officially rule it out. 

It's been nice not to have think about moving. In a way, being sold is kind of a nice place to be. You don't have to do too much, except just watch and wait. I keep telling myself that I'm where I'm meant to be. I have a friend and that's what she firmly believes. I'm trying to look at it that that house was not meant for me. So I have to figure out what the next step will be. 

I didn't go out tonight, as I'm going out in the day tomorrow. It will be nice, but it makes me miss T, and how I spent every Sunday out and about in London with him. It still hurts, and I really, really miss him. 

Why, just why? 

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