... oops been a tough, enjoyable and very busy weekend, sorry but another of my "Back When Series".

This is Pop, (my Mums Dad) who you last met with the family group here. Thinking this pic however could be a lot older, and it was sent to me over the weekend from my cousin in Perth. Had not seen this one before so wanted to get it in the series.

Recall as a kid that bench seat on the left. We used to enjoy catching Pop on or around your Birthday, he would sit you on that bench and wander into his "room" behind the corrugated wall there behind. No one else could go into "his room" there.

Anyway, out he wandered, and with a smile and a handshake for the boys, he would hand over a two shilling coin (in those days before decimal currency) and wish us a Happy Birthday. We have never forgotten that!

For me the memory still holds, not that it was a lot of money in those days to be given as a youngster, but simply the excitement of knowing now that it was Pop's special "thing" for his Grand children.

That area there as you may see was covered with a trellis and grape vines hanging over it. Also a top memory knowing the grapes were delicious when in season.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

.. one reason for the busy weekend was attending a function on Friday night down at one of the dams, the developer had asked me to take some pics for them. Check the extra the sunset was quite amazing, inter mixed with a massive thunderstorm. It was a superb night but been busy fixing the pics ready for delivery tomorrow.

...AND hope I get caught up a bit over the next few days sorry been slack again in comment etc  

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