Time For Tea

Went to work, worked, made it a point on the way home to drive by the horse farm so that I could take a shot.  Why do the horses have to be outside in large numbers when I have no time to shoot, and then inside when I do have the time?  Anyway, this was having tea and a snack all by itself while the rest were presumably indoors.

It has been a terribly busy day.  At the end of the afternoon, I found my head suddenly blank and so I phoned hubby that I just wanted to sit down for another 15 minutes or so, just to breathe in and out again and collect enough thoughts before heading back to the car.  Don't be fooled.  Everything is going very well.  Things just need to be done one at a time.

Tonight, NCIS and the Business & Organizations MOOC, the dishes, some FB, then bed.  Correction work can wait till tomorrow morning.  I know it will be a breeze.

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