Grove Street School

Before football started yesterday the guy who sits next to me, a retired miner in his 70s was telling me that the burnt out building between the stands was where he went to school and his former teacher is further along the same stand. The school has been empty for some years but very suffered a fire in 2014 so losing its look and now looking sadly derelict.

Some info:

Grove Street Primary School was built in 1901. The school closed it's doors around 1981 then reopened as an Adult Learning Centre alongside Barnsley Music Association (pads). The two later relocated to Barnsley Civic hall and the former school has stood still in time since 2013. The building is looking into being demolished to make way for a complex of new build houses by the local council and has survived a fire in 2014.

A bit of history disappearing. I was going to blip this yesterday but wanted to celebrate the anniversary so excuse me doing so today. I thought it worth reflecting upon.

Hope you had a good weekend, the cold is fast disappearing so hoping for a better week this week. Busy one so need to be fit.

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