Today is the birthday of Copernicus, the Prussian mathematician, astronomer, physicist & economist who formulated the earth went round the sun, dispelling the idea that the earth was at the centre of the universe. Aristarchus figured this out 1800 years earlier, but Copernicus never knew that & figured it out independently. He never married but was "talked about" for his friendliness with his housekeeper. His views were not readily accepted, one writer commented;

"Some people believe that it is excellent and correct to work out a thing as absurd as did that Polish astronomer who moves the earth and stops the sun. Indeed, wise rulers should have curbed such light-mindedness."

Copernicus died aged 70. Legend has it that he was presented with the final printed pages of his life's work on the very day that he died, not a bad way to go.

I am constantly re-learning that I am not the centre of the universe and the world does not revolve around me. Thank you Copernicus (& Aristarchus!)

Thank you, too, Polly & Matt for the atlas scratch map .... wonderful!s

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