Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Vitamin D

One of those too rare days where your energy levels actually match the bonus of a spring sunshine day so you squeeze in as much as you can like a total boss.

Early up with the twitter of birds a courtin' and up the back hill with the dogs, where the snowdrops are totally working it catwalk style and Bennachie and loch Nagar look mighty fine.

Back home to gut the kitchen, wash the rugs and blankets then out to the beach for a beach comb among the masses, all drawn by the siren call of sun rays and twinkling blue waves as we shake of our Winter capes. Then straight out to Haddo to see Kim, Wendy and Katie and Sharon and the girls for a couple hours rambles and newsing and of course an al fresco cuppa..where I nearly gave Wendy a hernia through laughing with my tales of the dreams Dave and I had last night before moving on to discuss menopause and chin hair...at which point the whole of Haddo was staring at our hysterics. That Kirsty Wark programme has got Scotland's women talking, which is a good thing. From Haddo into Aberdeen to visit Cheryl and catch up with Lucy and the play mad Duffy. Then home to find out Dave had removed the prehistoric towel rail from the bathroom, that alone makes this a truly momentous spring day of epic proportions.

Weekends should be three days long and be filled with spring sunshine dog walks and good company and hearty belly laughs that make your stomach ache.

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