Little Miss Gappy

We met Mrs A and the boys at Bounce in Milton Keynes this morning for a couple of hours bouncing (them) and drinking tea (us).
Nanny McPhee's tooth was hanging on by a thread and unsurprisingly after  an hour of bouncing upon down on trampolines it came out! She was very excited!!
And I'm very relieved because another day of watching her wiggling and twisting about would have tipped me over the edge!!
We came home and roller-skated/studied until it was time for Miss L's swimming. Then it was the usual rush home for Archie and to get to dog training.
It was soooooooo much better than last time. He was so well behaved and did brilliantly, the Little Misses didn't whinge AND it was still light when we got there. Woohooo!!!
Mr K is out gallivanting with work tonight so it's just me and Grey's Anatomy. 
And a bowl of the most delicious homemade mushroom soup ever. Mushrooms, stock and a potato. Who knew?!!!! 

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