
By AngelaA


Mr Cronin very kindly drove me around Cyprus today in order for me to light candles at the gravestones of family members who are gone but not forgotten.

Almost all of my childhood memories of Cyprus involve my Yiayia, Papou (grandmother and grandfather) and my Uncle Andreas. I needed to say 'hello' again and 'check in'. The handsome fellow in this picture was my Godfather. This man is remembered with every cashew nut and mango I've ever eaten and the board game, go for broke.

Whilst at the graveyard where my Uncle is buried, I saw a grave lavishly adorned with a variety of single stem flowers. At the end of the grave there was a small coffee table and two chairs. I imagined a family visiting on a regular basis, delivering a flower and having a coffee with their loved one. It filled me with an overwhelming sadness which quickly turned to love. I felt their love. It made me want to squeeze everyone dear to me a little bit tighter.

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