Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

Scooby Dooby Doo

By 6am everyone in the house was awake. Eli was awake first with an impressive 5.20 start. Daddy got up, then mummy got up, daddy went back to bed, then I woke up, then daddy was back up with me in his arms. The four of us sat eyeballing each other round the kitchen table. This was not the plan. We were all now sleep deprived ticking time bombs! Who was going to go off first!?

Mummy had been looking forward to today. She had bought us tickets to see Scooby Doo Live. After picking up tickets at the box office early, we wandered round the transport museum and had lunch on the tall ship before going back and taking our seats for the show. Mummy and daddy struggled to stay awake. Ninety minutes of questionable entertainment and we were happy to be back in the car and heading home. An impromptu visit to McDonald's on the way since I was screaming in the car and we needed somewhere to stop. Turns out there was absolutely nothing wrong with me.

Eli asked several times on the way home when was he going to see Scooby Doo? You've literally just stared at him all afternoon! But he couldn't remember. But of course he remembers perfectly well, before going to bed, the lollipop he got given in a restaurant 5 days ago that daddy put in his pocket for 'later'.

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