Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

All Out of Juice ...

I am lacking energy of any sort atm, so more indoor shots =\ Corra was trying to get me to play tug with her ropey giraffe, but I'd get all sweaty from it!! I heard from my sister last night that she too has similar symptoms, going on a week now. Feel better soon sister <3

I think I am just going to throw in the towel tomorrow and take a sick day, because bllerrgghhhh. With Labor Day on Monday as well, hopefully I will be back to myself by then!

I also started watching the tv series Wilfred today. It is the American version with Elijah Wood in it. Very funny :) For anyone who hasn't heard of it/watched it, Elijah plays a severely depressed man who sees his neighbor's dog, Wilfred, as a human in a dog suit who can talk to him. No one else sees the dog this way, and the things Wilfred says and does are very funny. (I am terrible at writing reviews ... if you think you might be interested here is the wiki entry!)

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