
It has been a most unsatisfactory day.     The park gates remained locked this morning which was particularly frustrating for us - Pete was with me and all set for a football kickathon with Lottie.   
We hooked up with E and T and made for the further away park where we can't let the dogs off the leads
To add insult to injury, when we got back to the coalface, Tufty,  the special needs squizzer was  hanging off the pebble dash  making that funny screeching noise at Lottie - see extra.   There was a long and noisy exchange between the two of them before I managed to wrestle the killer hound back indoors.

Then Ed and I had to sit through an hour long webinar about cyber security.  Actually it was  more interesting and  informative than we expected.   Quite frightening how easily folk can fall victim to hackers.   We will most definitely be tightening up our security.

In other news.... it seems I am unlikely to get my car back until next week.....

Still, at least the weather is very clement today.

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