Storm Cell

Someone once posted a comment on my blip asking what a storm cell was (the subject of my blip at the time). I think this a very good example of one. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I was fishing and only had my little camera with me so I couldn't capture the sheer height of the storm cloud.

These storms are common in Queensland. Ten kilometres south or north and you miss it but on a bad day those in the path of it might get considerable property damage from wind, rain and hail. This one moved a kilometre or so North of my fishing spot thank goodness. I would have gotten wet otherwise. Plus I had a lightning conductor in the form of a fishing rod in my hand.

This was the second storm to pass over this afternoon.

The fishing was average but it got me out of the house.

When Jo got home we decided to go out for pizza. We sat out on the patio and chatted and I watched the masive thunderheads roll off out to sea. It was quite spectacular and probably would have made a better blip but, no camera.

The pizza way great as always.

Big night tomorrow. We have Jo's Dad to look after so he will be tagging along. I hope he is up for a late night (if not we are all up for an early one!).

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