
By Lenore

The grass is always greener

We see these horses quite a bit on our local walk / run (depending on if there are children with me or not).  They seemed to have one thing on their mind today - the other field - and I don't blame them! For ages we've been commenting that there are a lot of horses in the one field and all the fields around them always look far greener, we reckon they agree with us.  They are getting plenty of hay put out for them, so it's provided us with idle chat about ownership of the fields, management of the horses and the such like. 

Back to our normal Monday play group today - it's closing soon as a result of government cuts, apparently the local council have had almost 50% of their budget cut.  I was chatting to the girls who run it, they either know nothing about the full picture of what is happening, or were being very cagey about the full cuts, but they seemed to think the whole children's centre would be cut before long.  They then went on to say that the poor social workers will probably deal with the fall out, then someone will have a bright idea that what's needed is a children's centre where they can accommodate all children, pick out any early intervention needed (such as the speech therapy my friend goes to) and provide a centre of knowledge and childcare... and so the cycle goes. 

It's my birthday tomorrow, I'm celebrating with a trip to the dentist to sort a tooth that broke over the weekend, so that's not quite the day you'd want for your birthday. 

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