Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Misty mellow fruitfulness...

With a glad smile and chilly hands I made my merry way from slumberous head to steely wakefulness. The spiteful air pinching my skin to draw me out from dull red wine numbness. The farewell party for Julien (going to research post at MIT) in his wonderful rooms right next door to the library in Trinity college was fab. An entire bottle of St Emillion was probably not a good idea.

Autumn has landed with a heavy thud and I am already in love with the fresh misty air. Leaves are nestling around the bottoms of the trees and spiders webs are diamond laced jewellery for any shrub or corner. The cows by the river give out plumes of scrolling misty breath while their coats gently steam in the early morning sunlight. The grass beneath my feet wet with dew smells lush and green, while the newly fallen leaves sit upon the ground curling into trumpet shapes....heralding the seasons arrival.

What a joy to have it all to myself, early up, quiet solitude, peaceful, magical and sublime.

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