MonoMonday Challenge - 161 Love Your Pet

Well, this isn't my pet... but would be a favorite for Mr JC or CC.

I am under attack at home to let the kids have a puppy.  Somewhere along the way maybe I promised CC that she could have a puppy when Mr JC turns three...  hmmm.  Two problems.  1) I'm asthmatic, 2) after the initial joy burns off, I know who will be responsible for walking the dog.  Here in the city the owners must pick up the poop - and I'm definitely not into that!!  We had animals growing up - mostly cats but also dogs.  Our neighbors had dogs.  Everyone had dogs that would poop in our hard that I would then run over with the lawn mower or worse find the soul of my shoe...  no thanks!  I am more of a cat person.  They tend to keep to themselves and they bury their poop.  Good kitty!  Too bad I am allergic to them all.  Mrs C is wildly allergic to cats, but loves dogs. 

My mother wouldn't get rid of the animals when I was diagnosed as being asthmatic.  I lived my youth on medicine, allergy shots and kept a 'clean' room where no animals were allowed and much of nothing was allowed to keep it sterile and safe from dander and dust.  I still spent many nights awake due to asthma waiting for the Tedral to kick in to ease my breathing - but then often stayed away just because the Tedral got me pumped up too.  Humidifiers or dehumidifiers depending on I can't remember what, daily chores to keep the house clean of animal fur and dust, the clean room, and on and on.

You can understand my fear of taking on the responsibility of a puppy...

Thanks to KangaZu for hosting MonoMonday this month.  hachew!!  

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