
By TBay

The book.

I am once again training the Young Farmers County Junior Reading Team which is something I always enjoy. My team is almost the same as last year which is lovely. I am also having to train the Junior Public Speakers as well! I am therefore rather busy for the next two weeks in the run up to the South West Area YFC gathering at Newquay!

The chosen book this year is King of the Cloud Forest which is a delightful tale written by Michael Morpurgo. A good read for us all!

Farming - Mr Tbay Jnr on bale hauling again today whilst Joshy and Rusty were hauling compost. Mr Tbay managed to mow lawns yesterday so spring must be here!

We have just had a YFC County Rally meeting here to finalise arrangements for the Promises Auction to be held this weekend to raise funds for the Rally committee. Mr Tbay is the Auctioneer for the evening so we were going through the items to be sold. A very busy week ahead!

Life is never dull here!

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