Looking Forward...

By Fiono


This is a photo of light bouncing off my keyboard onto the ceiling. It was such a lovely day outside but I spent a lot of it in bed staring at said ceiling/sleeping. I've caught another cold and it just floored me today. Stephen came round for a bit for a cup of tea and a natter. It took him a while to notice my voice was a lot lower and huskier than usual!

I did venture out to have tea at Di Maggios with mum, Irene and Martyn before they went to Perth Youth Orchestra's concert at RCS. PYO concerts and me being ill haven't gone well in the past - I ran off stage during the Planet's Suite once with a coughing fit - so I decided not to go which was a shame but I don't think the audience or musicians would have appreciated my sniffing and coughing all the way through the concert!

Also I got the job I had an interview for on Tuesday :D

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