Chirpy Chappie

Thank goodness it's Friday!

I've struggled with blipping this week, for the past 2 days it was a real chore to pick up the camera at all. My mind was spinning with all the things that needing doing and taking time out to blip just added to the pressure. This morning I forced myself to go for a walk and have come home with at least a dozen shots that I would be happy to blip! I chose this little robin because he hopped along the wall, following me as I walked along the path. It was a shady part of the park so the focus isn't that good though. He was singing along quite happily.....he's obviously glad it's Friday too!

Rob slept over at his friends last night and isn't back yet. Lucy has been to Sutton Coldfield and back on the bus and walked from the bus stop up to her new school so that she can plan her journey for when term starts on Tuesday. She has work this afternoon and then swimming. Rob has football training later so will try and catch up on your journals in between all the running around.

The sun is shining, looks set to stay that way for the weekend, have a good one everyone x

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