
By Leathers

Snowdon Crags

I was at home today so went for my daily walk.  To be honest, I'm getting a bit of forest fatigue so I thought I'd head up onto the moor, to a place I've never properly explored before; Snowdon Crags.  Its on open access land but doesn't seem to have any obvious footpaths to get to it so, after a bit of yomping through the heather, I found it.  Its a little crag which has a bit of bouldering there too; a bit too small for full routes really.  Its a real moorland crag though; it feels like its a long way from anywhere and that hardly anybody ever goes there.  In fact, neither is true!

Even though I only walked a mile or so I was whacked when I got home.  I'm not sure my drug adjustment is working terribly well....

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