
By Beewriter

Seb Coes

Beginning of the day....

J:New lipstick I see. Just right for the telly.
Me:Ha ha ha, it is my Diva lippy, I thought I would try it out today.

End of the day.....

Me: I need to take a photo
J: What of?
Me: Anything
J: Why?
Me: Because I take one every day for my photo journal
J:Every day???
Me; Yes, every day
J:What do you take photos of?
Me: Anything and everything.......look (shows various pics)
J: Well you could take one of my tattoo....
Me: (Slightly worried) Where is it?
J: Here!
Me: That'll do nicely....thanks.

Janet and I sat on our drivers break at the end of a long day with a cuppa and my camera :))

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