D'aicí enfòra

By chaiselongue

La granja dins la garriga*

Lovely to have clear air again today after a couple of muggy and then cloudy days. This is where there was a fire in the garrigue three years ago - blipped by me here. The vines weren't burnt - they rarely are as they contain too much water - and the rest of the land has recovered, although everything is still very dry at the end of summer. In the foreground are the small trees that make up the woodier areas of garrigue: wild olives, evergreen holm oaks, lentisk, and the red fruits are wild rose hips.

* The grange in the garrigue - it looks as though it is habitable, but no one seems to be living there at the moment. A grange is bigger than a mazet, more of a small house than a shelter.

Thank you from me and from E & S for all the congratulations the other day - I think they're just about recovering from the media attention!

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