A Troubling Tuesday

I decided to give the birds a break, and instead went to the Manatee County Historical Park. 3 problems arose as I was touring the place.

Problem #1.

I was feeling soooo tired,
got a thought in my head.
Why shouldn't I lay down,
why shouldn't I use this bed?

A second thought came in,
a thought filled with guilt.
But I still fluffed the pillow,
and pulled back the quilt.

Problem #2.

I slept real soundly,
then really needed the loo.
And...not for number one...

I was real close to panic,
then saw the little chair.
It was made for a youngster...
would my butt fit in there?

It did, and I went...
then cleaned up the mess,
unfluffed the pillow,
smoothed up the mattress.

The crisis was over,
this blip is soooo lame.
One thing about this room...

Problem #3. What can I do about my storytelling, my embellishing...my...my...lying?

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