An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller


From mega wide angles of view, with depth of field from 2 inches to infinity, today I was back inside the Cathedral this time, trying (re-trying!) a shot I've tried many times, with many lenses.

Perhaps still not perfect, it's probably as good as I'm going to get, with the gear I have right now. Lots of careful editing, and an overall lowering of contrast too.

My quite ancient Nikon D 50mm f1,4 might be tiny and light (easily put in a pocket) and despite having been quite THE lens in its day, wide open at f1,4, it is a little soft. I also tried f1.6 and f1.8 (noticeably sharper) and at three different iso's (this was the middle setting), all hand held, of course. 

In the end I chose the f1.4 for its separation of the lovely fancy grille against the heavenly background beyond, but had to sharpen the grille up a fair bit, but the already modest iso allowed for this to not bump the noise up too noticeably.

I'm back off to Wales again in the morning and won't be back until very late, so everybody have a great day and thanks ever so much, as ever!

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