Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Hellebore Heaven ❤️

.....I had a list of jobs today depending on the weather....It was blustery and mild but thankfully dry. I popped to Homebase to pick up several items I needed to make a new flowerbed in my small garden, at the moment it is an assortment of pots and planters....A real hotch-potch and rather tatty looking.
That done I had to manoeuvre several 4ft granite posts into position, they weigh an absolute tonne (I bought them years ago but never got around to using them) They were a nightmare to move on my own (Too heavy to lift) I dragged them with use of a belt from my wardrobe.....Getting excited ❤️ I want the garden to be ready in time for Spring planting...Xx

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