Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

At the park

Good news..I am using the new laptop!  Only one more thing to install..Microsoft office and that can wait a day or so.    I like the free photo editing software for now so will add some of my favorites later also.

As I had a little meltdown/cursing party this morning when trying to set up the machine, my hubby took me out to lunch, then we went for a walk at a state park close to the little town where the restaurant was.  We were surprised to find that the park had suffered the effects of a TORNADO sometime in the recent past.  The ranger said the nature trail around the 3 ponds was closed but we could walk along the road that goes all the way around the park.   So we did that.  So sad to see some big tall pines and oaks down in the woods.     Much work has been done but there is still so much.    

This photo is the spillway at the big pond that is right behind the ranger station/picnic area.  They have a new walkway now (you can see the reflection) but other parts of the boardwalk are still being worked on.  

This state park won't get much help financially as some of the bigger parks at the ocean that were heavily damaged by Hurricane Matthew.   Those parks are not even open yet and the last I heard they are hoping for parts of 2 parks to be open by the end of May.   Loss of many tourist dollars for our state park system.

Some photos of the destruction in the extras.   And a tiny violet that I found blooming.  Nature will always prevail.

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